‘A Little Bit Wonderful’ – Watercolor Exhibit Of Irene Ibanez


Watercolor Paintings of Irene Ibanez

Watercolor is perhaps the most challenging medium in the realm of painting. Unlike opaque mediums where a mistake can be covered, watercolor’s transparency is incapable of it. The challenge is however, on the artist who could cleverly incorporate a mistake into the design of the artwork. Decisiveness and speed of execution characterize this medium.

Typically learned in an academic environment, watercolor hone from a hobby could also have its own merits. when devoid of academic norms, the process becomes a pleasurable experience from a sense of freedom and inventiveness that could result in refreshing brush strokes or burst of colors. Irene Ibañez’s watercolor paintings typify this realm. Whereas some hobbyists are unable to work independently of their mentors, Ibanez has moved forward courageously from copying a mentor to testing her own skills. Painting needs a commitment beyond a hobby to keep it alive and achieve innovative qualities discerned by seasoned art collectors. Irene Ibañez has taken on the challenge in the current exhibition.

Exhibit Gallery